Certified Death Doula
A Death Doula is a non-medical support person trained to care for the dying and their families in a holistic approach (physically, spiritually and emotionally) from diagnosis to end of life.
Certified Wedding and Funeral Officiant
A Government of Ontario Certified Wedding & Funeral Officiant, Licensed by Angels of the Earth Interfaith Community
Reiki Practitioner
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
Meditation and Mindfulness Coaching
Mindfulness is all about being aware, which of course includes the practice of meditation. When you are being actively mindful, you are noticing and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and movements, and also to the effects you have on those around you.
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment using natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Also known as essential oil therapy, it uses essential oils to improve the health in three areas: the body, mind, and spirit.
Self Care Consultation
Self Care means making your personal well-being a priority. It means knowing who you are and your limits. You are important too; so be kind, loving, and compassionate to yourself.
Legacy Planning
Our goal is to honor our client’s life in a way that gives meaning to them. It may be a memory book, letters to family members, recording readings of grandchild’s favorite book, working through some unfinished business. Whatever is important to you becomes important to us. The process of planning for death can be inspiring, often helping family members work through their own fears about death.
Active Listening
We take the time to listen. Everyone has a story, and we can’t wait to hear yours.
Caregiver Support
Often the caregiver forgets to take a break. Once a relationship is established between the Doula and the family, we find they trust us to take a much needed break. We can also find other supportive programs that help support the caregiver.
Grief Support
Grieving people want and need to be heard, not fixed. One does not “get over” grief; you learn to live with it as you find a new normal. We support you in that process.
Death Plan Assistance
Successful plans often require an open and honest conversation with your family and advisors, and creating a plan that aligns with your goals.
Vigil Planning
We encourage open conversations with our client and their family to determine their end of life plan. How do they want those last days and hours to look, who they want there, do they want music, poetry, singing or a quiet private space. This can be as specific and individual as each client.
Funeral, Memorial, Ritual Planning
just like Death Plan Assistance and Vigil Planning, we assist our clients with those difficult conversations with family members, to create the memorial of our clients choice.
Consultation at Home, Hospital or Nursing Homes
Consultations are at No Charge. We will meet with you at the place you need whether it be home, hospital, nursing home or your favorite place to chat.